New member
Hello, my name is PointlessCupcake in game, But you can call me Makenzi or Kenzi, whatever one of you prefer . I have been on the server for ages, But haven't been active on the server since the shut down, Which i'm really upset about since it was the first server I joined and met a lot of new people. I'm starting to make videos on the most popular website on the Internet, Youtube xD. I haven't made any videos though, well I did on a different channel which I shared with a Internet friend, Lucy (TheGamerGirl_YT on minecraft) She's also a youtuber she has her own channel now which is called: TheGamerGirl. Hopefully, I can be more active on the server since I haven't. I'm very excited for the new cloud and stuff, Maybe it will be better. Well my youtube channel is: PointlessCupcake YT, three subscribers since it's a new one from my other channel which I had but I couldn't change my YT name for another two years xD. Hopefully I can see you on the server, Soon though, Soon.